Welcome to my page! I hope that you enjoy all that I have to share about life, learning, and teaching.

Meet the Author
Where to begin?! Summing up who you are and what you do in one short blurb is tough. Let’s give it a go:
Like you’ve probably noticed, I am an elementary teacher who recently finished her Master’s of Teaching and a writer of many different forms. I’ve dreamed of being a teacher for most of my life, and as this dream came to life I also realized I wanted to share that experience with others.
So, creating a blog felt like the natural way to share my passion for education with the world while trying to help other students and teachers navigate their own paths in teaching and learning. Cue Crosson’s Classroom!
I have loved writing for many years. This blog is by no means my first venture in writing.
In fact, I have created and deleted more blog pages and online writing spaces than I would like to admit. Even as a young girl, I would write songs in my notebooks and would free-write about anything and everything: My dreams, desires, and deepest feelings.
In my last practicum, I taught a Gr. 2 unit on poetry. Exploring a new-to-me form of writing alongside 25 of my favourite kiddos made me realize that I’m hard-pressed to find a type of writing I don’t enjoy.
I even love writing essays – Although an undergraduate degree and a half a Master’s later, this fire is slowly dimming…
There’s just something beautiful about putting a pen to a page and letting everything out. (Or your fingers on a keyboard…) It’s quite healing, if you ask me. So, I figured it was time to share my thoughts with the world.
✿ If you want to read (or listen to) some of my past work, then check out my piece on school food gardens here. ✿
Teaching and Learning
Many of my family and friends will tell you that I’m super passionate about what I study. As soon as I graduated from UBC with my BA in International Relations, I headed off to the University of Toronto to complete my Master of Teaching. My research was in children’s rights and education, where I studied community education and children’s rights.
Overall, it is my goal to empower young generations to create a better and more sustainable world than what we have right now – Both in the classroom & in the (global) community.
I’ve got big dreams, to say the least… & So this blog is here for you to laugh, cry, and jump for joy along with me as I experience all of life’s twists and turns in pursuit of my wildest dreams.
Outside of the Classroom
I’m going to be honest. I have too many hobbies and passions. There’s just so much to experience in this world, and I want to try it all! At the end of the day though, if I’m outside, then I’m happy.
Whether fishing, hiking, camping, gardening or travelling, exploring the world’s natural beauty brings me utmost happiness. Being stuck indoors is fine, too, as long as I can sing, play guitar/piano, or crack out my watercolour paints. On a totally unrelated note, any and all leads on piano/watercolour lessons are much appreciated…
Cooking and baking make it way up on the list, too. If there’s an event or special occasion coming up, I’m the first to volunteer in the kitchen… It’s also the first place I run if I’m stressed or upset. If you need a cheesecake or cupcakes, I’m your girl.
At the end of the day, though, I’m a pretty ordinary woman. I love my small town, all of the lovely people in it, and the natural beauty of my little corner of BC.
There you have it, folks! That’s me. ♡